Atomic and molecular physics  

The aim of this course is to build the quantum-mechanical formalism required for the theoretical interpretation of the atomic and molecular spectra. • One-electron atoms : Fine structure and hyperfine structure: Spin-orbit interaction, • Darwin term, Selection rules for electric dipole transitions, Hyperfine structure and • isotope shifts • Interaction of one-electron atoms with external electric and magnetic field: Stark • effect, Zeeman effect, Strong fields: Paschen-Back effect • The atomic and molecular Hamiltonian: The molecular Hamiltonian, Atomic Units, • Born-Oppenheimer approximation • Two electron atoms: The Schrodinger equation for two electron atoms, He in the • independent particle model (IPM), Time independent perturbation correction to IPM, • Effective nuclear charge, Hartree-Fock for He, Electron correlation, Spin wave • function Pauli exlusion principle, Statistics of indistinguishable particles, Level • scheme of two-electron atoms • Many electron atoms: Central field approximation, Pauli exclusion principle and • Slaterdeterminants, Labeling Atomic States, Configuration, term, level and state, • Hund's Rules, The Hartree-Fock approximation, Corrections to the central field • approximation (L-S and j-j coupling) • Interaction of many electron atoms with electromagnetic radiation • Molecular structure: General nature of molecular structure, Molecular spectra, • Diatomic molecules - Symmetry properties, Molecular Term Symbols- The hydrogen • molecular ion - Correlation Diagrams, The Molecular orbital idea, Bonding and • antibonding molecular orbitals, Molecular orbital theory for homonuclear diatomics, • Molecular hydrogen within LCAO approximation, Photoelectron spectrum : • experimental proof for MOs, Heteronuclear molecules, Molecular Symmetry - Point • Groups, Polyatomic molecules, Vibration-Rotation spectroscopy Non-relativistic advanced quantum mechanics and perturbation theory (stationary and time dependent) - electromagnetism. FINAL competences: 1 To be able to model atoms and molecules with quantum mechanical methods. 2 Being able to interprete atomic and molecular spectra.
Atomic and molecular physics

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